Behavioral Policy Speaker Series: Daniel Chen — Difference in Indifference: From Behavioral Judging to Recognition-Respect

Date & Time May 08 2018 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Daniel Chen
Audience Open to the Public

Professor Daniel Chen from Toulouse School of Economics will deliver a special lunch-time talk entitled "Difference in Indifference: From Behavioral Judging to Recognition-Respect" at 12 noon on Tuesday, May 8, in 217 Julis Romo Rabinowitz Building.

Chen, who earned both a Ph.D. in Economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a J.D. from Harvard Law School, endeavors to answer questions at the intersection of behavioral economics and the law. He considers economic, social psychological, and political influences on legal ideas and production.  His work on behavioral judging, which he will share on May 8, considers elements that may affect objective judgments: priming, gambler’s fallacy, mood, voice, and peer effects in courts.

Over the course of his research, he has curated 12 terabytes of archival and administrative data on judges and courts where normative ideas incubate and has utilized machine learning techniques to develop a programming language to study normative commitments in experiments, now used in 23 countries, 10 academic disciplines, private and public sectors, and local high schools. During his visit to Princeton, he has been speaking with faculty and students about oTree, his open source platform for conducting behavioral experiments.

Chen researches and teaches on both the faculty of the Toulouse School of Economics and the Universite Toulouse Faculty of Law and previously taught at ETH-Zurich and Duke University.  Additionally, he is a regular visitor at NBER, founding director of oTree Open Source Research Association, and founder of Data Science Justice Collaboratory.