Career Development
Our graduates' varied and mobile careers are well matched to a future requiring public-spirited leadership from government officials, nonprofit and private sector entrepreneurs, writers and journalists, and all others invested in public policy.
From the time they arrive at SPIA to graduation and beyond, graduate students receive one-on-one support to launch or advance their careers in public service. Graduate Career Development team members are essential partners as students search for challenging and rewarding experiential learning opportunities and full-time roles.
Active and engaged SPIA alums who influence policy debates and implementation, domestically and internationally, also help students along the way.
See the information below if you are trying to access the SPIAConnect career portal.

Graduate Career Development Team at the 2022 Management Conference.
SPIAConnect Access (for Graduate Students)
SPIAConnect is the online career development hub for SPIA’s graduate students. It allows them to access advising appointments, workshops, job and internship opportunities, and a myriad of resources, including Leadership Connect, GoinGlobal, CareerShift, and Devex Career Accounts.
Login for SPIA Graduate Students