Garden State Internships
Summer opportunities available, with a range of organizations, including:
ACLU New Jersey
ACLU NJ is committed to advancing racial justice in the institutions of New Jersey. Based in Newark, this organization operates on several fronts - political, legal, cultural - to bring about systemic change and build a more equitable society.
Hyacinth - Strengthening Health Securing Wellness - As New Jersey's largest HIV service provider since 1985, Hyacinth's mission is to help people live with HIV/AIDS by educating lawmakers and lobby for progressive legislation on HIV-related issues, provide wellness and health services, and address stigma, housing challenges, and barriers to care.
New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development
The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development is dedicated to protecting our workforce, strengthening our businesses, and promoting the dignity of work.
Newark Alliance
Newark Alliance is New Jersey's leading non-profit organization dedicated to the ongoing revitalization of Newark, pursuing a transformational agenda to enhance the city's long-term economic prosperity. The Alliance is invested in enhancing Newark's reputation as a true "regional city" that draws robust economic growth and talent.
Planned Parenthood Action Fund of New Jersey
Planned Parenthood Action Fund of New Jersey (PPAFNJ) is a nonpartisan, independent, 501(c)(4) non-profit social welfare organization, and the advocacy arm of the Planned Parenthood affiliates in NJ: Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan New Jersey (PPPMNJ) and Planned Parenthood of Northern, Central, and Southern New Jersey (PPNCSNJ). We advocate for access to essential health care through education, activism, voter engagement, grassroots organizing, and legislative advocacy.
For more information:
Please contact Cecylia Jablonski regarding internship opportunities, funding may be available. Please inquire with your department and/or The Center for Career Development. For SPIA students requesting funding, please contact Liz Choe.
Princeton University is committed to equal opportunity and non-discrimination. To maximize excellence, we seek talent from all segments of American society and the world, and we take steps to ensure everyone at Princeton can thrive while they are here. That is the sole rationale and purpose of our diversity and inclusion programs, all of which are voluntary and open to all, and which comply with federal and state non-discrimination laws. Princeton does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, ethnicity, color, national origin, religion, disability, or any other protected characteristic, and Princeton does not provide special benefits or preferential treatment on the basis of a protected characteristic.