Faculty Awards & Recognition

Winner, the Center of Effective Lawmaking's Best Publication Award; the Dell S. Wright Award by the American Political Science Association

Named to the editorial board of the Journal of Law and Courts

Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize, Zurich, Switzerland-based Jacobs Foundation; President-Elect, 2023, President, 2024, American Economic Association

Elected to American Philosophical Society

Juan Linz Prize for Best Dissertation in the Comparative Study of Democracy & Autocracy, American Political Science Association

Winner, Best Article Award, American Journal of Political Science

Named to board of directors, National Endowment for Democracy

Elected to Poland's Copernican Academy

Appointed to National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, & Medicine Committee on Population;
Named to Vox Media's inaugural "Future Perfect 50 List" (of "visionaries that have made an impact in their fields to improve lives now and in the future")

Outstanding Publication Award, Section on Aging and the Life Course, American Sociological Association — “‘A Nowadays Disease’: HIV/AIDS and Social Change in a Rural South African Community”

Named the Woh Hup Distinguished Lecturer, National University of Singapore and the Patten Lecturer, Indiana University

Finalist, Pritzker Emerging Environmental Genius Award from the UCLA Institute of the Environment & Sustainability

2022 Kyoto Prize — “Development of an Innovative Methodology for Integrative Analysis of Pathogen Evolution and Epidemics”

Nicholas J. Nicholas Jr. Fellow, Griswold Center for Economic Policy Studies, Princeton University, 2021-2022