CWP Workshop

Princeton Harvard China and the World Program
Date & Time Mar 03 - 04 2016 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Audience Open to the Public


China and the World Fellows Workshop

Lehigh University - Bethlehem, PA

March 3-4, 2016


March 3rd Schedule:

12:00-12:30 – lunch

12:30-12:45: opening remarks

12:45-2:15: (Andrew Erickson)

2:15-2:30 – Break

2:30-4:00: (Jessica Weiss)

4:00-4:15 – Break

4:15-6:30: Tom Christensen – The China Challenge (Roundtable on book topics)

            Pattie Kim (PhD Candidate at Princeton)

            Yinan He  (Alumni CWP Fellow)

            Xiaojun Li (Alumni CWP Fellow)

            Vera Fennell (Lehigh University)

7:00 pm CWP Workshop Dinner

Princeton Lehigh university CWP Fellows Workshop 2016