GDSC: International Colloquium on Security Threats in Europe

EU map with capitals and roads
Date & Time Mar 04 2022 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Justinas Mickus
Colonel Dr. Michael Reisner
Ambassador Martin Sajdik
Dr. Markus Schiller
Ambassador Christian Strohal
Ambassador Christian Wenaweser
Wolfgang Danspeckgruber
Audience Restricted to Princeton University

This Friday, March 4th, 2022, join us for a special international colloquium on threats to European security following the Russian and Belorussian War of Aggression against Ukraine.


To offer a realistic and insightful picture of the current situation - what has happened, and how? - concerning its actors both military & strategic; the financial, cyber, and humanitarian dimensions of the situation; and analyzing the information warfare, nuclear weapons, intelligence operations, and legal dimensions of the conflict. We will also answer questions from participants, elaborate possible near-future scenarios,  and contextualize previous work and discussions within GDSC.

Invited Participants: 

  • Matt Korda, Senior Research Associate and Project Manager, Nuclear Information Project, Federation of American Scientists
  • Justinas Mickus, policy analyst, & young professionals from the Baltic region;
  • Dr. Markus Schiller; Founder and Director, ST Analytics (aerospace and missiles), Munich; 
  • Ambassador Martin Sajdik, former High Representative for Ukraine of the OSCE ; 
  • Ambassador Christian Strohal, former High Representative of Austria for the OSCE ;
  • Ambassador Christian Wenaweser, Permanent Representative of Liechtenstein to the UN.
  • Wolfgang Danspeckgruber, chair 


Friday, March 4th, 2022 (all times EST)

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.: Introductory presentations 

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.:  Summary, subsequent presentations, and discussion

1:00  - 2:00 p.m.:  Possible scenarios 

*IMPORTANT: Princeton students, faculty and staff who are permitted on campus are welcome to attend the event in person in the Cyril Black Conference Room, 019 Bendheim Hall. Due to Princeton University Covid restrictions, we are obligated to keep a record of every person that attends. Therefore, in order to attend the event in person, you must RSVP

There will be a Zoom link provided for those who RSVP and would like to join remotely.

Refreshments will be provided.