Women Resisting Jihad in Mali

Date & Time Dec 16 - Jan 26 2017 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Department Bernstein Gallery
Audience Open to the Public

Exhibition: Dec. 16, 2016 – Jan. 26, 2017

Artist Reception: Dec. 16 at 6 p.m. in the gallery

This photographic exploration of women in central Mali shows the vibrant culture that resisted the Al Qaeda jihadist effort to impose sharia (2013).

Image displayed: Katie Orlinsky, Wedding Guests (detail), 2013, C-print, 24 x 36 inches.

Katie Orlinsky studied political science at Colorado College before earning a master's degree in journalism from Columbia University. Working regularly for The New York Times, The New Yorker, and The Wall Street Journal, she has been awarded national photography prizes in the U.S. and in France.