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Jean Baldwin Grossman

Lecturer of Economics and Public and International Affairs
279 Wallace Hall


Jean Baldwin Grossman is an economist interested in identifying and refining programs, policies and practices that improve the lives of individuals living in under-resourced environments. She has led studies on social policy in a wide range of areas—education, health, employment and training, welfare, dropout prevention, teen pregnancy prevention, and youth programs. Her substantive specialty is the study of programs for children, youth, and young adults. Recently she has focused on studying the effects of youth employment programs, tutoring, school- and out-of-school-based education program, mentoring programs, and after-school programs.

She joined the Princeton faculty in 2000. Prior to that, she worked at two social policy research firms, starting at Mathematica Policy Research and later working as the Senior VP at Public/Private Ventures. In 2010-11, she was the Chief Evaluation Officer for the U.S. Department of Labor overseeing all the department’s program evaluations. She has a Ph.D. in economics from M.I.T in 1980.


Recent Publications

  • Carla Herrera, David DuBois, Janet Huebach, and Jean Grossman (2023) Effect of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America Mentoring on Social-Emotional and Academic Outcomes of Participating Youth: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Child and Youth Services Review Vol. 144: 106742.
  • Grossman, Jean B., M. Victoria Quiroz Becerra, Betsy Tessler, Gilda Azurdia (2023) Changing Workforce Development Systems to Better Serve Young Adults and Advance Equity: The First Five Years of Generation Work, New York, NY: MDRC.
  • Klerman, J.A., J. Grossman, C. Saunders, K. Olejniczak, J. Herr, A. Ibok, and T. de Sousa. (2021) Evaluation of the Cascades Job Corps College and Career Academy (CCCA) Pilot: Final Report. Report prepared by Abt Associates and MDRC. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Chief Evaluation Office.
  • Garcia, Ivonne, Jean Baldwin Grossman, Carla Herrera, and Leigh Linden. (2020) The Impact of an Intensive Year-Round Middle School Program on College Attendance. New York, NY: MDRC.
  • Garcia, Ivonne, Jean Baldwin Grossman, Carla Herrera, Marissa Strassberger, Michelle Dixon and Leigh Linden. (2020) Aiming Higher: Assessing Higher Achievement’s Out-of-School Expansion Efforts. New York, NY: MDRC.
  • Grossman, Jean; Linda Kato, Tony Mallon, Sheila Maguire and Maureen Conway (2015) The Value of Credentials For Disadvantaged Workers Findings From The Sector Employment Impact Study. Washington, D.C.: Aspen Institute.
  • Grossman, Jean, Janet Quint, Jessica Gingrich, Oscar Cerna, John Diamond, Andrew Levine, and Jacklyn Willard (2015) Changing Community Colleges: Early Lessons from Completion by Design. New York, NY: MDRC.