Currie Named Top Female Economist by World Economic Forum

Jul 31 2015
By B. Rose Huber
Source Woodrow Wilson School

In a list of the "Top 10 Female Economists," the World Economic Forum named Professor Janet Currie number four in the world.

Currie, Henry Putnam Professor of Economics and Public Affairs and chair of Princeton University's Department of Economics, studies the health and well-being of children, including early intervention schemes, expansions of public health insurance, public housing and food and nutrition programs. Currie also serves as director of Princeton's Center for Health & Wellbeing.

The rankings were compiled using RePEc data, which includes self-indexed publications and citations.

Currie joins other leading female economists including Carmen M. Reinhart from Harvard University's Kennedy School, Esther Duflo at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Asli Demirgüç-Kunt at the World Bank.

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