The following is a compilation of media clips in which WWS faculty members have been mentioned, cited or quoted. This list is updated weekly. If an item is missing, please email, and we will add it promptly.
In praise of a critic: lessons from Angus Deaton's Nobel win
Art - Adlesse (mentions Angus Deaton)
Angus Deaton's Economics Nobel: Lessons For Business Leaders
Konservative Kartel (mentions Angus Deaton)
Angus Deaton on slow growth as a force for distributional conflict
Utopia - you are standing in it! (quotes Angus Deaton)
Poverty expert Angus Deaton wins Nobel Economics Prize
The Town Talk (interview with Angus Deaton)
Russia's War: Fridge vs. TV
The Moscow Times (mentions Angus Deaton)
Nobel Prize for former high school pupil
Hawick News (quotes Angus Deaton)
The history behind the Nobel Prize (mentions Angus Deaton)
Want to be really happy? This is how much you need to earn
Metro (quotes Angus Deaton)
Andres Oppenheimer: A Nobel winner's advice to Latin America
Miami Herald (blog) (quotes Angus Deaton)
Nobel Prize in Economics for Angus Deaton - his themes: poverty, health, inequality (mentions Angus Deaton)
James Sherk: Improve and expland access to education
The Gulf Today (mentions Alan Krueger)
Whitewashing the Fed
New York Sun (mentions Alan Blinder)
Malcolm Turnbull: 'Small L' Liberal Or Planet-Eating Death Star? Early Indications From The Turnbull Government
New Matilda (mentions Martin Gilens)
How the government tries to recruit hackers on their own turf
The Washington Post (mentions Ed Felten)
RES Newsletter features Angus Deaton Letter from America
Royal Economic Society (mentions Angus Deaton)
Data, Lies And Politics: Elusive Development Goals To Exclude Majority (mentions Angus Deaton)
Steve Paul: Perceiving the world through economics
The Kansas City Star (blog) (mentions Angus Deaton)
Pictures for the Pope and Progressives
Cato Institute (quotes Angus Deaton)
Ed Lotterman: Nobel winner Angus Deaton focuses on how people behave
Idaho Statesman (quotes Angus Deaton)
How superdonors are gutting America: Here's the research that helps explain a political system's rightward lurch
Salon (mentions Nolan McCarty)
Should the West Be Worried About Britain As China's 'Advocate'?
The Diplomat (quotes Aaron Friedberg)
Economist's View: Opinion: Alan Krueger: The Minimum Wage: How Much is Too Much?
The New Democrat on WordPress (mentions Alan Krueger)
The Steel City considers a massive wage increase (mentions Alan Krueger)
Is IMF Adding China Yuan to Reserves Basket a Big Deal?
Yahoo Finance (interview with Alan Blinder)
Iceland, Where Bankers Actually Go To Jail For Committing White-Collar Crimes
ThinkProgress (mentions Alan Blinder)
It Could Have Been So Much Worse
U.S. News & World Report (mentions Alan Blinder)
Nobel Prize Winner Angus Deaton Says There Are Discrepancies in India's Economic Data (quotes Angus Deaton)
Escaping Poverty: Nobel Prize Winner Angus Deaton's Impact on Developmental Economics
NATO Association of Canada (mentions Angus Deaton)
101: Angus Deaton
Financial Mail (mentions Angus Deaton)
Inequality and growth
Livemint (mentions Angus Deaton)
The Human Race Is Doing Pretty Well. Just Look At The Data.
Huffington Post (mentions Angus Deaton)
Small ideas are better than big ones
Financial Times (mentions Angus Deaton)
Angus Deaton and lessons for India
Business Insider India (mentions Angus Deaton)
Three years after Sandy, a fight over coastal protection (quotes Michael Oppenheimer)
New Study Finds Income Inequality Leads To Political Polarization
Wisconsin Public Radio News (quotes Nolan McCarty)
LETTER: Bank bailout, Obama stimulus slowed recession
Richmond County Daily Journal (mentions Alan Blinder)
With Biden out, Hillary Clinton strengthens grip on Democratic race
USA TODAY (quotes Julian Zelizer)
On protecting the bubble
The Daily Princetonian (mentions Shirley Tilghman)
Angus Deaton's Letter From America
Economist's View (quotes Angus Deaton)
How Nobel Prize Economist Angus Deaton Modified Our Considering About World Progess
Amazon Breaking News (quotes Angus Deaton)
Part of a Toolbox: Angust Deaton Urges Reconsideration of the Role of RCTs
Center for Financial Inclusion (blog) (mentions Angus Deaton)
Medium Term Budget Policy Statement 2015 - Nhlanhla Nene
Politicsweb (quotes Angus Deaton)
The man who put the poverty lIne under the microscope wins a Nobel Prize
East Idaho News (quotes Angus Deaton)
A Nobel-Prize Winning Economist on Why Life in 2015 Is Actually Pretty Great
New York Magazine (quotes Angus Deaton)
A Nobel Prize for Catholic Social Thought?
Commonweal (blog) (mentions Angus Deaton)
The business of poverty
Daily News & Analysis (mentions Angus Deaton)
NIH director says political discord threatens research funding (blog) (mentions Angus Deaton)
A Conversation With Nobel Prize Winner Angus Deaton
Pacific Standard (interview with Angus Deaton)
The Unseen Threat of Capital Mobility
Boston Review (mentions Atif Mian)
Follow Along: It's Back to the Future Day
Newsroom America (mentions Ed Felten)
1.21 gigawatts of meh: White House celebrates #BackToTheFutureDay
Twitchy (mentions Ed Felten)
Briefing after Xi Jinping and David Cameron Hinkley Point talks (blog) (quotes Aaron Friedberg)
Britain's Courting of China Raises Concerns Among Its Allies
TIME (quotes Aaron Friedberg)
How to Turn 'Pure Scientist's' Ideas into Policy
The Wall Street Journal (blog) (quotes Alan Blinder)
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke speaks at Princeton University (mentions Alan Blinder)
Return of the Hillarybots: Why is the liberal media so afraid of Joe Biden?
Salon (quotes Julian Zelizer)
Angus Deaton Wins 2015 Nobel Prize
BloombergBusiness (interview with Angus Deaton)
Alan Krueger on Jobs and Minimum Wages
BloombergView (podcast) (features Alan Krueger)
A $15 An Hour Minimum Wage? Some Jobs Are Not Worth Doing For Less
Newsweek (quotes Alan Krueger)
Follow Along: Tomorrow is Back to the Future Day
The White House (blog) (quotes Ed Felten)
Bloody Inventions (5-5)
Sudan Vision (quotes Gary Bass)
Nobel Prize Winner Angus Deaton Says There Are Discrepancies in India's Economic Data
The Wall Street Journal India (quotes Angus Deaton)
Pro-Growth Economist Angus Deaton Echoes JFK
Konservative Kartel (quotes Angus Deaton)
Bernie Sanders Wants To Deal...Your Property
Sacred Cow Chips (mentions Angus Deaton)
David Warsh: Du Runsheng vs. Chinese poverty
New England Diary (mentions Angus Deaton)
India's GDP Data Cannot Be Trusted: Novel Prize Winner Angus Deaton
Pakistan Defence (quotes Angus Deaton)
Angus Deaton: An Appreciation
Oximity (mentions Angus Deaton)
Nobel Price Winner Angus Deaton on Mao's Great Leap Forward to Famine
Before It's News (mentions Angus Deaton)
How to win a Nobel prize
Economic Times (mentions Angus Deaton)
Is The Middle Class Dying?
Seeking Alpha (mentions Angus Deaton)
Fisher: Presidential debates provide voter guidance
The Morning Sun (quotes Angus Deaton)
Nobel economics prize awarded to Princeton's Angus Deaton
Seating Chair (quotes Angus Deaton)
Economist Angus Deaton echoes JFK
Nashua Telegraph (quotes Angus Deaton)
Angus Deaton's India Connection
Daily Pioneer (OpEd mentions Angus Deaton)
How Nobel Prize Economist Angus Deaton Changed Our Thinking About World Progress
Co.Exist (quotes Angus Deaton)
Angus Deaton, his Nobel Prize, and foreign aid
Brookings Institution (blog) (mentions Angus Deaton)
On arming the bubble
The Daily Princetonian (mentions Shirley Tilghman)
People, Inc.
The Hub Magazine (mentions Susan Fiske)
Documentary Looks at Hurricane Sandy's Toll on Rockaways
The New York Times (quotes Michael Oppenheimer)
2 economists imagined a financial crisis without stimulus or bailouts. It's ... ugly.
Vox (mentions Alan Blinder)
Plutocrats in NYC Are Buying the Airwaves, and Trashing Public Schools Again
Concord Monitor (mentions Martin Gilens)
My Turn: The candidate who really scares the establishment
Concord Monitor (quotes Martin Gilens)
Polls fever starts gripping US
Financial Express Bangladesh (mentions Julian Zelizer)
A House divided against itself, often
Toledo Blade (quotes Julian Zelizer)
The Morality of a $15 Minimum
Huffington Post (quotes Alan Krueger)
Striving for equality a fresh way (mentions Andrew Moravcsik)
Nobel laureate Angus Deaton changed India's approach to poverty (quotes Angus Deaton)
Ideas Over Methods
The Indian Express (quotes Angus Deaton)
Nobel Prize in Economics: Who is Angus Deaton?
Ordem dos Economistas (mentions Angus Deaton)
Nobel Laureate in Economics, Angus Deaton...
Middle East Global Advisors (mentions Angus Deaton)
Mission for NITI Aayog
Livemint (mentions Angus Deaton)
Ethiopia: Weak States, Poor Countries (column by Angus Deaton)
From a student's perspective...
Financial Express (mentions Angus Deaton)
Wealth Has Different Effects in Different Places
FXStreet (mentions Angus Deaton)
Who should get government welfare benefits?
Livemint (mentions Angus Deaton)
In Odisha, no dal for the dalma
The Times of India (mentions Angus Deaton)
Vice of materialism: Grandiose, but sometimes corrupt consumption
The Express Tribune (mentions Angus Deaton)
OPINION: The gravest threats facing our world
Eyewitness News (mentions Angus Deaton)
How Foreign Aid Can Keep Poor Countries in Poverty
Acton Institute (blog) (mentions Angus Deaton)
Aid & development links: 'Aid sceptic' wins Nobel, cash for the poor, Dutch cuts and more
The Interpreter (mentions Angus Deaton)
The war on data
Minneapolis Start Tribune (mentions Angus Deaton)
The Media's Narrow Minds
Reason (blog) (mentions Angus Deaton)
We Want To Succeed, But Are We Training For Success?
Forbes (mentions Angus Deaton)
The British Nobel prize winner aiming to make the workd a better place
The Telegraph (quotes Angus Deaton)
Nobel economics winner Angus Deaton in foreign aid warning
Herald Scotland (quotes Angus Deaton)
The Angus Deaton phenomenon
The Financial Express (mentions Angus Deaton)
Nobel Prize Winner Angus Deaton Says There Are Discrepancies in India's Economic Data
The Wall Street Journal (blog) (quotes Angus Deaton)
How Pakistani Americans can give back (blog) (quotes mentions Atif Mian)
Do children of single parents become criminals?
MercatorNet (blog) (mentions Sara McLanahan)
Bad News Not Reported: The Drift Toward Global Plutocracy Continues Unabated
San Diego Free Press (mentions Martin Gilens)
The British Nobel prize winner aiming to make the world a better place
The Telegraph (quotes Angus Deaton)
Foreign aid doesn't do much good, says Nobel economist
The Times of London (quotes Angus Deaton)