MPA applicants and the Shortened GRE General Test

Sep 06 2023
Graduate Admissions Office

While some graduate schools of public and international affairs have moved away from testing, we still see significant value in the GRE General Test, which is a requirement for those applying to our MPA program.

In the past few weeks, our office has seen an uptick in emails regarding GRE scores and the new, shorter version of the test.

The concern? Prospective students are worried about the validity of previous test results from the longer version and are asking whether they can be submitted.

The answer is yes! Applicants can rest assured that any previous GRE results taken within the 5-year reportable window may be submitted with your MPA application.

The shorter GRE General Test will be available starting on September 22, 2023, and will in no way invalidate your previous scores. As long as your results are submitted to us directly from the testing agency, we will consider them official.

If you have already taken the test, your GRE score report is valid for five years. You can log into your ETS account to determine if the test you took previously is in the 5-year reportable window.

If you have questions or concerns about the GRE General Test or for any other admissions queries, please reach out to our office. Thank you for your interest in SPIA!