As a policy school, we value public service and public servants. Yesterday's attack on the U.S. Capitol — the citadel of American democracy — was an assault on both. The day's events deeply saddened me, as I'm sure they did you. As I watched the news unfold, I thought of the many SPIA alumni working in Congress who were in that building, hoping for their safety.
The peaceful transfer of power has been one of the core facets of American democracy for well over two centuries. It is what defines this country. This long-standing tradition was clearly under assault on January 6. While these insurrectionists tried to undermine Constitutional norms, they did not, and, I believe, will not succeed. That said, this was a wake-up call; democracy is only as strong as the people dedicated to supporting it.
While I remain saddened by the violence, I remember the commitment of our School – our faculty, students, staff, and alumni — to the power of public service. We’re a community united in a purpose to drive positive change, and these attacks simply strengthen our resolve to do so.