Dr. Ana María Loboguerrero Rodríguez is Head of Global Policy Research of the CGIAR Research Program for Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), based in Cali, Colombia. In this position, she plays a major role in leadership on partnerships and capacity for scaling Climate-Smart Agriculture that cuts across all CCAFS Flagships and Regions and all CGIAR Research Programs. She also manages global engagement processes and global synthesis topics that cut across all CCAFS Flagship Leaders, including report/paper writing, engagement and communication and leading on major CCAFS proposals. Dr. Loboguerrero also leads the Latin American Section of CCAFS. In this position she plays a major role in partnership development aimed to build impact pathways so that knowledge in climate change leads to implementation. Through CCAFS, Dr. Loboguerrero has contributed to strengthen the agricultural sector in Latin America so that it is not totally dependent on climate variability, but on the contrary, it manages climate to its advantage, or at least to avoid the bulk of negative consequences. Dr. Loboguerrero has used her experience working in the public sector to become a key partner of policy makers and planners in the region so that they truly use climate information and tools to design and implement plans and strategies and find ways to make climate information useful and applicable for end-users.
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