Date & Time
Nov 09 2019
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Center for International Security Studies
Restricted to SPIA students, faculty, and fellows
The recent attacks on Saudi oilfields and tankers in the Gulf have exacerbated longstanding tensions in the region. With the US and Saudi Arabia suspecting Iranian involvement in the attacks, the battle lines seem to have been drawn. Will the crisis escalate into a regional war, or will diplomacy and negotiations prevent armed conflict?
This year’s crisis simulation will offer Princeton undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to tackle a major political crisis in the Persian Gulf. All majors and years are welcome and encouraged to attend. CISS has invited and expects participants from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and the U.S. Naval Academy, and ROTC cadets from Rutgers and NJIT. The crisis simulation offers a unique opportunity to practice strategy, quick diplomacy, and political skill. Participants cooperate in small country teams to formulate and implement policy as they steer their countries toward success.
This year’s crisis simulation will offer Princeton undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to tackle a major political crisis in the Persian Gulf. All majors and years are welcome and encouraged to attend. CISS has invited and expects participants from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and the U.S. Naval Academy, and ROTC cadets from Rutgers and NJIT. The crisis simulation offers a unique opportunity to practice strategy, quick diplomacy, and political skill. Participants cooperate in small country teams to formulate and implement policy as they steer their countries toward success.
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner (optional) will be served.
Please send any questions to the simulation director, Sajid Shapoo (