CITP Special Event: Dissecting the Equifax Breach

Date & Time Nov 28 2017 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Kent Anderson, Brach Eichler, Marshini Chetty, Princeton University, Joel Reidenberg, Princeton University and Fordham University's Center on Law and Information Policy, Moderator: Ed Felten, Princeton University
Audience Open to the Public

On September 7, 2017, Equifax announced that it was a victim of a major data breach potentially impacting about 145.5 million U.S. consumers. CITP, in collaboration with Fordham University’s Center on Law and Information Policy, presents a panel discussion and analysis of the Equifax breach from a technological, financial, legal and regulatory perspective. Experts from each of these disciplines will discuss existing shortcomings and vulnerabilities that led to this breach, the impact of this breach and recommendations for minimizing future attacks and data breaches.