A Brazil LAB event with Laura Carvalho and Silvio Almeida. Discussant: Miguel Centeno. Moderated by João Biehl.
Laura Carvalho is a leading Brazilian economist and public intellectual. She is currently the Global Director of Equity of the Open Society Foundations. Carvalho is the founder and director of the Research Center on Macroeconomics of Inequality at the University of São Paulo, where she is Professor of Economics. Laura Carvalho is the author of the bestselling book Valsa Brasileira: Do boom ao caos econômico, on the rise and fall of the Brazilian economy.
Silvio Almeida is Brazil’s most acclaimed legal scholar, working on systemic racism and social inclusion. He is Professor of Law and Philosophy at the Mackenzie Presbyterian University, where he directs the Inclusion and Diversity Project, and a faculty at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation in São Paulo. An engaged public intellectual, Almeida writes regularly for Folha de S. Paulo and is the author of the best-seller Racismo Estrutural. His new book, Estado, Direito e Raça no Pensamento Social Brasileiro, will be published by Companhia das Letras this Fall.
Miguel Centeno is the Musgrave Professor of Sociology and Executive Vice-Dean of the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA). His scholarly work explores state-building and war-making in Latin America, global capitalism, and systemic risk. He is the author of the classic Blood and Debt.
Co-organized with the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs.