A Brazil LAB event with Miguel Lago and Angela Alonso. Discussant: Deborah Yashar.
Join us for our first lecture of the fall term on Wednesday, Sept. 7 at 4:30 pm in A71 Louis A. Simpson. Followed by a reception in the Atrium of Louis A. Simpson.
Miguel Lago is a political scientist and a Visiting Professor at Columbia University and at Sciences Po. Lago directs the Institute for Health Policy Studies (IEPS), a think-and-do-tank that advocates for the improvement of public policies in the Brazilian health sector. A political essayist, he is a frequent contributor to the magazine piauí and has recently authored Linguagem da Destruição (Language of Destruction), with Heloisa Starling and Newton Bignotto.
Angela Alonso is Professor of Sociology at the University of São Paulo and former Director of CEBRAP, the Brazilian Center of Analysis and Planning. An award-winning author, Alonso studies the interface of culture and political action and emergent forms of social mobilization in Brazil. Her most recent book is The Last Abolition: The Brazilian Antislavery Movement, 1868-1888.
Deborah Yashar is the Donald E. Stokes Professor of Public and International Affairs and Director of the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies. Her scholarship focuses on democracy and authoritarianism, state-making and citizenship, social movements, and ethnic and immigration politics.