Stéphane R. Ojeda, Deputy Permanent Observer and Legal Adviser of the International Committee of the Red Cross Delegation to the United Nations in New York, will present the public talk entitled Developments in International Humanitarian Law: Expanding Detainee Protections and Strengthening Compliance, at 4:30pm., on Thursday, October 15, in Bowl 016, Robertson Hall, on the Princeton University campus. Event sponsored by the Niehaus Center for Globalization and Governance, Woodrow Wilson School.
The development of a new system of compliance with humanitarian law and the strengthening of the protections for persons deprived of their liberty in internal conflicts, are two crucial and still ongoing projects currently led by the ICRC, which might prove consequential to the evolution of the law.
Ojeda’s talk, which is open to the public, will kick off the conference The Laws of Was as an International Regime: History, Theory, and Prospects, sponsored by the Niehaus Center for Globalization and Governance. Conference participation is by invitation only.