Prior to joining UNICEF, Ivana led a USAID/OFDA-funded humanitarian program and was the Women’s Protection and Empowerment Coordinator with the International Rescue Committee in Pakistan and Iraq. In our discussion, Ivana will share how UNICEF is scaling up the protection of women and children from sexual exploitation and abuse, including the efficacy of its application at UNICEF's HQ, Regional and Country office levels.
Boxed lunches will be offered and our guest capacity is 17. Please RSVP here.
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About Ivana:
Ivana Chapčáková, is UNICEF's Child Protection Specialist supporting agency’s work on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) by humanitarian and development aid workers. Ivana will discuss how UNICEF is scaling up the protection of women and children from sexual exploitation and abuse, particularly in humanitarian response settings, and how the policy is being implemented at its HQ, Regional and Country office levels. Ivana has over 10 years’ international experience combining work in humanitarian and development contexts in the development and implementation of programs, research, training and technical and programmatic guidance related to Gender Based Violence (GBV), Child Protection in Emergencies, gender equality, and PSEA. Prior to joining UNICEF, Ivana was the Women’s Protection and Empowerment Coordinator with the International Rescue Committee in Pakistan and Iraq. Previously, Ivana led implementation of a USAID/OFDA-funded humanitarian program in Liberia overseeing emergency protection and GBV interventions in areas affected by the refugee influx from Ivory Coast.