Date & Time
Mar 13 2019
12:15 PM - 1:20 PM
Anne-Laure Delatte
Open to the Public
Anne-Laure Delatte is the Deputy Director of CEPII (a research center in the network of the Frech Prime Minister) and a Tenured Researcher at CNRS (French Institute for Scientific Research). She is a CEPR Research Affiliate, also a member of Conseil d'Analyse Economique (Council of Economic Analysis, an independent, non partisan advisory body reporting to the French Prime Minister).
She has been a visiting scholar at Princeton University from September 2014 to July 2016 with a scholarship of the Grisworld Center for Economic Policy Studies.
Her research focuses on applied financial economics and international macroeconomics. Her recent research focuses on the Euro crisis, cross-border banking and tax havens.