Issues of self-determination and increased self-administration have been important to the United Nations since its inception, “based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of the peoples” (Art 1, para 1 - UN Charter).
Please join us for a discussion with Matthew Edbrooke, Vice President, Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization) of the 2021 General Assembly of the United Nations; Member, Permanent Mission of the Principality of Liechtenstein to the United Nations; and LISD Non-Resident Fellow.
Mr. Edbrooke will offer perspectives and experiences from dealing with self-determination demands, and critical developments to sovereignty because of climate change (Sea Level Rise) or war and protracted conflict.
This discussion is part of the Seminar on Global Diplomatic and Security Challenges (GDSC), a year-long interactive seminar, led by Wolfgang Danspeckgruber, in which students discuss select issues critical to contemporary diplomacy and security with invited eminent international representatives, experts, and academics in an interactive virtual venue. The seminar analyzes contemporary global challenges, such as the Covid-19 Pandemic, critical socio-economic and socio-cultural questions, as well as strategic issues and environmental challenges. The role of leadership, generational perspectives, and new technologies and AI are considered. Participating students are invited to contribute to the selection of subjects.
*IMPORTANT: Princeton students, faculty, and staff who are permitted on campus are welcome to attend the event in person in the Cyril Black Conference Room, 019 Bendheim Hall. Due to Princeton University Covid restrictions, we are obligated to keep a record of every person that attends. Therefore, in order to attend the event in person, you must RSVP. Lunch to go will be available following the talk.
There will be a Zoom link provided for those who RSVP and would like to join remotely.