In this talk, Dr. Mbuya will explore how the World Bank views nutrition within the context of competing global health priorities. He will discuss how this critical but often overlooked issue (and others like it) can be framed to build its profile on national and international agendas.
Nkosinathi Mbuya is Senior Nutrition Specialist in the East and Southern Africa sub-region of the World Bank, where he is currently leading the World Bank financed nutrition projects in Rwanda and Lesotho. Prior to joining the Africa team, Nkosi was mapped to the East Asia and Pacific Region where he led the World Bank’s nutrition engagements in the Philippines, Lao-PDR and Vietnam. Before then, he worked in the South Asia Region, specifically working on Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. In EAP and SAR, he led the preparation of the East Asia and Pacific Region Multisectoral Strategy and Action Plan to Reduce the Double Burden of Malnutrition (2015-2020), the South Asia Regional Assistance Strategy for Nutrition (2011-2016). Nkosi has conducted and published a wide range of analytical studies in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Lao-PDR, Vietnam, and the Philippines. Before joining the World Bank, he was Monitoring, and Evaluation Advisor for Save the Children UK’s Hunger Reduction Team based in London. He also worked for the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare in Zimbabwe as a Provincial Nutritionist and as a Nutrition Lecturer at the Institute of Food, Nutrition and Family Sciences at the University of Zimbabwe. Nkosi graduated with a PhD in Nutritional Sciences from Cornell University, an MSc in Nutrition from the University of Southampton, and a BSc Hons in Biochemistry from the University of Zimbabwe.
Lunch will be served starting at 11:45am.