Inaugural Colloquium on Generational Perspectives of Security

Date & Time Mar 03 2017 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
HSH Prince Alois, The Hereditary Prince of Liechtenstein; Michelle Nedashkovskaya, WWS MPA '17; Doyle Hodges, WWS PhD Candidate; Rana Ibrahem, LISD; Michael Schoenleber, LISD; Georg Gassauer, LISD
Audience Open to the Public, Registration Required

The Liechtenstein Institute at Princeton University (LISD) and the Austrian Chairperson-in-Office of the OSCE warmly invites you to a special LISD Colloquium on “Generational Perspectives of National and International Security,” on the occasion of the visit by HSH Prince Alois, The Crown Prince of Liechtenstein.  The objective is to foster connectivity between and across generations regarding domestic and foreign threats to security, including information warfare, cybersecurity, climate change, identity security, terrorism, and nuclear proliferation.

RSVP to Angella Matheney at