Princeton SPIA welcomed 40 undergraduate students for "Inside DC: Undergrad Policy Day in Washington", which included conversations with policymakers at the White House, National Security Council, World Bank, USAID, as well as with veteran journalists, NGO leaders, and former government officials.
Sincere thanks to the day’s many hosts and participants, including SPIA alumni Somya Bajaj *19, Samantha Libraty *23, Ellinore Ahlgren *21, Brian Kelly *12, Josh Black *00, Juan Jose Leguia Alegria *13, Anna Twum *18, Ryan Chia Kuo *18, Juan Sebastian Leiva Molano *23, Harrison Fuller *23, Alex Brockwehl *18, Megan McGuire *18, and Bunmi Otegbade *19, together with Princeton SPIA DC Director Zach Vertin and Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Paul Lipton.