A reception and reflection on the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s last speech, "I've Been to the Mountaintop,” which he delivered on April 3, the day before his assassination. Following a screening of the speech, a panel will discuss Dr. King's economic vision and its relevance for our moment. In partnership with the United Black Agenda, Eviction Lab, and Trinity Church of Princeton. RSVP REQUIRED!
5-6PM: Reception & networking, PU Press Lobby (41 Williams St.)
6-8PM: Speech & panel, Friend Center 101
1. Senator Troy Singleton, District 7, Majority Caucus Chair
2. Dr. Carl Gershenson, Eviction Lab Director
3. Professor Ellora Derenoncourt, Assistant Professor of Economics
4. Professor John N. Robsinon III, Assistant Professor of Sociology; Associate Faculty of African American Studies
5. Reverend Dr. Darrell Armstrong, Shiloh Baptist Church of Trenton, NJ
Moderated by: Reverend Eric Dobson, President of United Black Agenda
Co-sponsored by: Department of African American Studies, Generational African American Student Association (GAASA), and the Institutional Antiracism and Accountability Project (IARA).
Sponsorship of an event does not constitute institutional endorsement of external speakers or views presented.