Graduate students, fellows, and faculty only, please.
Each seminar features law-related papers or practice job talks presented by graduate students from many disciplines.
Abstract: Digital information or “big data” offers immense potential, but, like the mapping of the genome, often requires analysis of highly sensitive information. Thus, regulation must protect areas where personal information could potentially be misused, such as the workplace, educational institutions, insurance, government agencies, the democratic sphere etc. The paper explores what lessons we can learn from earlier experience in the area of genetics that can inform the regulation of personal digital information and its analysis.
The paper is a work in progress. I would most appreciate your ideas about the best way to tell the story. There will be no pre-circulated paper.
Sharon Bassan is a bioethicist, with PhD and JD in law. She is a Postdoctoral Research Associate with joint appointment in Values and Public Policy and the Woodrow Wilson School's Office of Population Research in Princeton University. Her research combines legal-philosophical background; policy-making experience; a global point of view; and a feminist perception. Sharon is interested in issues of health law/policy and bioethics, in particular in the areas of the ethics of reproductive technologies, health markets, global health governance and global justice. Currently she is working on two projects, the first, a book about the regulation of cross-border surrogacy; the second, the ethics of AI.
Details and to RSVP for lunch: https://lapa.princeton.edu/content/data-minefields-%E2%80%93-lessons-learned-gen-ethics-regarding-governance-digital-information
Contact Leslie Gerwin, lgerwin@princeton.edu
Presented by the Program in Law and Public Affairs