The Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination at Princeton University will host an open house on Friday, September 24, 2021, at 4:30 p.m. This open house represents an opportunity for Princeton University graduate and undergraduate students as well as Princeton-affiliated community members to learn more about LISD, its current projects, its publications, and ways to become involved in LISD's activities.
*IMPORTANT: Princeton students, faculty, and staff who are permitted on campus are welcome to attend the event in person in the Arthur Lewis Auditorium, 100 Robertson Hall, and join us at the outdoor reception following. Due to Princeton University Covid restrictions, we are obligated to keep a record of every person that attends. Therefore, in order to attend the event in person, you must RSVP. Your name will be checked off at the door. PU ID will be required for entry to the talk and the reception.
There will be a Zoom link provided for those who RSVP and would like to join remotely.