MPP Forum: How Money Shapes Everything: Experiences of a Treasury in Britain, Liberia, China and Beyond (CDAR)
Money and the economy drive policy making in government and the Treasury sits behind pretty much everything. Representing the Treasury also requires pragmatism, whether in responding to the financial crisis in Britain or negotiating with military generals on cutting defence spending and Liz Truss on aid spending, working in the Liberian government on development plans and through Ebola, or pushing British economic interests with China. What does being an effective public servant look like and can you also remain (somewhat) idealistic?
MPP Forum is a weekly event normally scheduled with lunch* on Fridays during the academic year. It allows each MPP student to showcase their career journey and expertise on policy issue of their choice with the SPIA community. This formal presentation is about 50 minutes followed by 20 minute Q &A.
*RSVP required. Lunch will be served at noon. We will try our best but cannot guarantee accommodation for all dietary restrictions.