MPP Forum: Transforming Communities: Empowering Women and Girls Through Holistic Approaches with Seblewengel Tekalign (GCD)

In the face of persistent gender inequalities, we are required to ask: How can we address these pressing challenges within our communities? Gender inequalities are among the most pressing challenges in Eastern and the Horn of Africa. Women face various challenges that hinder their access to diverse opportunities, spanning economic empowerment, education, participation in decision-making, technological advancement, training, and more. These obstacles not only impede their progress but also curtail their ability to fully realize their potential and become the best versions of themselves. The challenges women face are compounded during emergencies, where gender-based violence increases due to a confluence of risk factors and the magnification of existing disparities within households, communities, and society. The disruption caused by conflict and the forced displacement of people in the region has exacerbated the prevalence of gender-based violence, with a disproportionate impact on women and girls. To unravel these complex issues, we must adopt a comprehensive approach. Join us at the policy forum, where Seblewengel Tekalign, will share her experience in leading gender-based violence programming in Ethiopia's Bambasi Refugee Camp; and designing and managing the Male Engagement approach in Kebribeyah Refugee Camp and host communities in Ethiopia. Together, let's work towards a more equitable and just future for women and girls, not only in Africa but beyond.
MPP Forum is a weekly event normally scheduled with lunch* on Fridays during the academic year. It allows each MPP student to showcase their career journey and expertise on policy issue of their choice with the SPIA community. This formal presentation is about 50 minutes followed by Q&A.
*RSVP required. Lunch will be served at noon. We will try our best but cannot guarantee accommodation for all dietary restrictions.