MPP Forum: Tryst with Change: An Indian Public Servant's Perspective (CDAR)
India has come a long way since its independence from the British colonial rule in 1947. Being the world’s largest democracy, it has promises to keep with its citizens. With a zillion constraints, India constantly yearns for change. Having served the people for more than 12 years as a public servant, Inderjeet will discuss his ‘tryst with change’ in status quoist bureaucracy.
MPP Forum is a weekly event normally scheduled with lunch* on Fridays during the academic year. It allows each MPP student to showcase their career journey and expertise on policy issue of their choice with the SPIA community. This formal presentation is about 50 minutes followed by 20 minute Q &A.
*RSVP required. Lunch will be served at noon. We will try our best but cannot guarantee accommodation for all dietary restrictions.