MPP Forum: Watching the Watchers: America's Largest Independent Civilian Police Oversight Agency
Date & Time
Feb 10 2023
12:15 PM - 2:00 PM
Law, Justice, Human Rights
Colleen Roache MPP '23
Restricted to SPIA graduate students, faculty and fellows
Colleen will provide an overview of the past, present, and future of the New York City Civilian Complaint Review Board, the nation's largest independent all-civilian police oversight agency.
MPP Forum is a weekly event normally scheduled on Fridays during the academic year. It allows each MPP candidate to showcase their career journey and expertise on policy issue of their choice with the SPIA community. This formal presentation is about 50 minutes followed by 20-minute Q &A.
The MPP Forum is supported by a bequest from mid-career alumnus Christopher Meyer (MCF '83-'84) who was an authority on copyright law in private practice, academia and government.
*Registration required.

Learn More About the MPP Program at SPIA!
The one-year, full-time residential Master in Public Policy (MPP) degree is for midcareer professionals who are rising leaders in international and domestic public affairs.