Organizing Session for Law-Engaged Graduate Students

Date & Time Sep 26 2018 12:00 PM - 1:20 PM
Audience Restricted to Princeton graduate students, faculty, and fellows


The organizing meeting for this year’s Law Engaged Graduate Students (LEGS) will take place on

Wednesday, September 26

LAPA Conference Room, Wallace Hall Room 348

Noon (Lunch will be provided)

We invite all graduate students interested in pursuing legal inquiry, sharing his or her expertise with fellow graduate students, workshopping a paper-in-progress, giving a practice job talk, and/or organizing a graduate student conference or symposium to attend and learn about opportunities to participate.

If you know you are going to attend and would like lunch, we would appreciate it if you would RSVP to so we can order sufficient food. Drop-ins are still welcome.


LEGS is open to any graduate student from any discipline who is interested in exploring, discussing, presenting work, and/or learning about legal issues. There are multiple ways to participate:

  1. Commit to being a “regular” by agreeing to attend as many sessions as your schedule permits.  In return, you may present your work to others, receive financial support for submission of your article draft to law reviews (This will only be available to LEGS participants), invitations to LAPA invitation-only events including faculty workshops, seminar dinners, and other LAPA events.
  2. Be a drop-in whenever you find time or a topic of interest. While priority goes to regulars, there may be an opportunity to present your work.
  3. Observe what is happening at LEGS (be an email recipient) and consider dropping in.
  4. Special status: participate in organizing a law-related event for fellow graduate students

All attendees receive lunch. 

If you cannot make it on the 26th, but would still like to participate or have any questions or ideas you wish to discuss, contact LAPA Associate Director Leslie Gerwin at or make an appointment through WASE