Join LISD’s Seminar on Global Diplomatic and Security Challenges (GDSC) for a session with Dr. Masaru Tamamoto on "Postwar Japan: An Obituary." The seminar will explore postwar trends regarding notions of constitutional pacifism and shed light on the role of Japan's national identity in determining its approach to international politics. GDSC is a yearlong interactive seminar for graduate and undergraduate students led by Founding Director, Wolfgang Danspeckgruber. This session is open to the public and rsvp is required.
Masaru Tamamoto writes on Japanese national identity and international relations. He was born in Tokyo and educated in Japan, Switzerland, Egypt and the United States. He was a senior fellow of the World Policy Institute and The Japan Institute of International Affairs, and an editorial board member of The New York Times. He held fellowships at the universities of Cambridge, Harvard, Princeton and Tokyo. He is a graduate of Brown University and holds a Ph.D. with distinction in international relations from Johns Hopkins University. He resides in Yokohama.
For more information and to RSVP, click here.