Reforming the Banks

Sir John Vickers
Date & Time Sep 22 2016 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Sir John Vickers, Profesor of Economics, Oxford University
Audience Restricted to Princeton University

Sir John Vickers, Professor of Economics at Oxford University and former Chief Economist of the Bank of England, will give a lunch time talk on Reforming the Banks.  His current policy-related interests arise from his work in 2010-11 as chair of the Independent Commission on Banking which recommended fundamental reforms to improve stability and competition in UK banking.  Among the Commissions' recommendations were "ring-fencing" retail bankign division from investment banking arms, stress testing and increases in bank capital.  While a number of the recommedations have been implemented a lot still remains to be done.  Sir Vickers' research interest includes the economics of competition and regulation and incentive theory in addition to the economics of banking reform.

Registration required - restricted to Princeton University and Griswold Center for Economic Policy Students members and guests.

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