Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 unleashed the bloodiest war on the European continent since 1945 and sent tremors across the globe that have catalyzed conflicts, destabilized economies, and reshuffled local balances of power from the South Caucasus to the South China Sea. Today, one year later, the outcome of the war remains far from certain. Meanwhile, while its repercussions for the wider world only continue to grow.
Join HPD to explore the ongoing and future regional and global ramifications of the war in Ukraine from the Caucasus and Central Asia through the Indian subcontinent to the Pacific rim.
A roundtable discussion with Sharyl Cross (St. Edward’s University), Ronald Granieri, (Army War College), Nikolas Gvosdev, (Naval War College) and Damjan Krnjevic, (ADA University) moderated by HPD Co-Director Michael Reynolds.