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Tackling the Multiplicity of Challenges in Afghanistan: Terrorism, Sanctions, Human Rights, and Humanitarian Assistance

Tackling the Multiplicity of Challenges in Afghanistan event flyer
Date & Time Feb 27 2023 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Location Robertson Hall
BOWL 016
H.E. Ambassador Ana Jimenez de la Hoz
Ambassador Edmund Fitton-Brown
Dr. Sue Eckert
Ms. Katherine Carey
Dr. Fernando Cavalcante
Audience Open to the Public, Registration Required

Afghanistan Policy Lab at Princeton School of Public and International Affairs is facilitating an interactive panel discussion on Afghanistan, attended by high-level officials and experts from the various branches of the United Nations. The main thematic areas that the experts will speak on are the importance of the implementation of sanctions on the current regime, when and if appropriate, while taking into account the overall objective of promoting peace and stability in Afghanistan, given the provisions of the UN Charter, as well as Member States’ obligations under international human rights law, refugee law, and humanitarian law.


Ana Jiminez

H.E. Ambassador Ana Jimenez de la Hoz is the Deputy Permanent Representative of Spain to the United Nations.

Edmund Fitton-Brown

Ambassador Edmund Fitton-Brown, is a former United Nations Security Council Coordinator, ISIL-Al-Qaeda-Taliban Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team, and former UK Ambassador to Yemen.


Dr. Sue Eckert

Dr. Sue Eckert, Expert, United Nations Security Council, ISIL-Al-Qaeda-Taliban Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team, and US Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration, United States Government.


Katherine Carey

Ms. Katherine Carey, is the Deputy Head of Office, United Nations Office of Humanitarian Affairs, Kabul.


Dr. Fernando Cavalcante

Dr. Fernando Cavalcante, Political Affairs Officer, United Nations Office of Counter Terrorism.


Dr. Arian Sharifi

Dr. Arian Sharifi, Lecturer and Associate Research Scholar, School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University.

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SPIA Afghanistan Policy Lab

The SPIA Afghanistan Policy Lab aims to help build an inclusive, peaceful, and prosperous Afghanistan that represents all its citizens equally.