Bonnie Glaser Photo
Date & Time Dec 07 2016 4:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Bonnie Glaser
Audience Open to the Public


China’s transformation from a developing economy into an emerging global power has left an unmistakable mark on international politics. Although China is a hot topic for politicians and pundits from Washington to Beijing, the nature of Chinese power is often poorly understood. Misunderstandings of China’s capabilities drive some to exaggerate and others to understate various aspects of China’s national power.

The China Power Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington D.C. aims to brings clarity to the conversation. Join project director Bonnie Glaser and fellow Matthew Funaiole as they discuss how data visualization paired with expert analysis can help unpack the complexity of China’s rise.


Bonnie S. Glaser is a senior adviser for Asia and the director of the China Power Project at CSIS, where she works on issues related to Chinese foreign and security policy. She is concomitantly a non-resident fellow with the Lowy Institute in Sydney, a senior associate with CSIS Pacific Forum and a consultant for the U.S. government on East Asia. From 2008 – mid-2015 Ms. Glaser was a Senior Adviser with the Freeman Chair in China Studies, and from 2003 to 2008, she was a senior associate in the CSIS International Security Program. Prior to joining CSIS, she served as a consultant for various U.S. government offices, including the Departments of Defense and State. Ms. Glaser has written extensively on various aspects of Chinese foreign policy, including Sino-U.S. relations, U.S.-China military ties, cross-Strait relations, China’s relations with Japan and Korea, and Chinese perspectives on missile defense and multilateral security in Asia. Her writings have been published in the Washington Quarterly, China Quarterly, Asian Survey, International Security, Problems of Communism, Contemporary Southeast Asia, American Foreign Policy Interests, Far Eastern Economic Review, Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, New York Times, and International Herald Tribune, as well as various edited volumes on Asian security. Ms. Glaser is a regular contributor to the Pacific Forum quarterly Web journal Comparative Connections. She is currently a board member of the U.S. Committee of the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific, and a member of both the Council on Foreign Relations and the Institute of International Strategic Studies. She served as a member of the Defense Department’s Defense Policy Board China Panel in 1997. Ms. Glaser received her B.A. in political science from Boston University and her M.A. with concentrations in international economics and Chinese studies from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.

Matthew Funaiole


MATTHEW P. FUNAIOLE is a fellow with the China Power Project at CSIS. His research focuses on power relationships and alliance structures in the Asia Pacific. Prior to joining CSIS, Dr. Funaiole taught international relations and foreign policy analysis at the University of Saint Andrews in Scotland, where he also completed his doctoral research. He currently holds an adjunct research position with the Foreign Policy Centre in London, where he has published several policy briefings. Dr. Funaiole previously worked on an ongoing research project(link is external) at the University of Cambridge that examines legal regimes and political authority in Asia. He was also a contributing researcher to “The Future of U.S.-China Relations under Xi Jinping” project at Harvard University, which examined the strategic relationship between the United States and China. He is currently drafting a manuscript that examines how shifts in power structures and international norms impact foreign policy. Dr. Funaiole is also engaged in several creative writing projects.

http://chinapower.csis.org/about-us/#team(link is external)

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