From the Watch Tower to the Ivory Tower: Veterans in Academia

Date & Time Nov 11 2015 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Audience Open to the Public

In recognition of Veterans Day, a panel discussion at Princeton University will examine the role of veterans in academia Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2015, 4:30 p.m., in Robertson Hall. This event is sponsored by the Princeton Student Veterans Organization, the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and the Center for International Security Studies at the School.

Faculty with experience in the military – ranging from a few years to a full lifelong career – will discuss how their backgrounds in the military have shaped and informed their academic lives. The panel will address the ways in which military service may have helped these faculty, preconceptions about military service in the academic community and the relationship between service in uniform and service in education.  

The panel also will examine how the role of veterans in academia has changed since the end of the draft and the introduction of an all-volunteer military. The panel will be an informative and lively discussion of service with implications that reach beyond the campus and into the community.

Participants include:

Jacob Shapiro, Associate Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School (Navy veteran)

Mark Watson, Howard Harrison and Gabrielle Snyder Beck Professor of Economics and Public Affairs (Navy veteran)

Robert Hutchings, Visiting Professor of Public and International Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School (Navy veteran)

Richard Lacquement, Ph.D. ’00, Dean, School of Strategic Landpower, Army War College, Carlisle, Penn. (Army veteran)

Monica Duffy Toft, PIIRS World Politics Visiting Fellow (Army veteran)