9:00-9:30am | Continental breakfast |
9:30-9:40am | Opening remarks |
Panel 1 | |
9:40-10:00am | Bryn Rosenfeld (Princeton) The Political Returns to Reaching the Middle Class: Longitudinal Evidence from Ukraine |
10:00-10:20am | Tali Mendelberg, Katherine McCabe and Adam Thal (Princeton) How Affluent Student Bodies Foster Affluent Class Interests |
10:20-11:00am | Discussion and Q&A Discussants: Markus Prior and Martin Gilens |
11:00-11:20am | Coffee break |
Panel 2 | |
11:20-11:40am | Patrick Egan (NYU)
Americans' Perceptions of Where They Stand on the Ladder of Opportunity, Where They Actually Stand, and Their Policy Preferences |
11:40am-12:00pm | Reto Wüest (University of Geneva) Who Represents the Poor? Evidence from Swiss Direct Democracy |
12:00am-12:40pm | Discussion and Q&A Discussants: Nolan McCarty and Marko Klašnja |
12:45-2:00pm | Lunch |
Panel 3 | |
2:00-2:20pm | Meredith Sadin (UC Berkeley) Campaigning with Class: The Effect of Candidate Wealth on Voters’ Evaluations |
2:20-2:40pm | Noam Lupu (Wisconsin-Madison) and Nicholas Carnes (Duke) Do Voters Prefer Affluent Politicians? |
2:40-2:50pm | Coffee break |
2:50-3:10pm | Marko Klašnja (Princeton), Simon Chauchard (Dartmouth) and S.P. Harish (NYU) Private Gains, Public Office: A Vignette Experiment in North India |
3:10-4:00pm | Discussion and Q&A Discussants: Chris Achen, Rafaela Dancygier and Grigore Pop-Eleches |
4:00-4:30pm | Closing remarks and directions for future research |