"The World In Upheaval: Finding a Sustainable Way Forward" Year-End GDSC Colloquium

Date & Time Apr 30 2021 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Location RSVP Link
Christopher Hill
Masaru Tamamoto
Eka Tkeshelashvili
William C. Wohlforth
Charles Kupchan
Megan Greene
Maria Ignacia Curiel
Gwendena Lee-Gatewood
Audience Open to the Public, Registration Required

Join LISD's Seminar on Global Diplomatic and Security Challenges (GDSC) for its Year-End GDSC Colloquium, "The World In Upheaval: Finding a Sustainable Way Forward," on Friday, April 30, 2021, from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm (Eastern Time). GDSC is a yearlong interactive seminar for graduate and undergraduate students led by Founding Director, Wolfgang Danspeckgruber. For the past year, student fellows have gathered weekly for in-depth discussions with distinguished experts and representatives in an interdisciplinary and interactive virtual venue. Student fellows discussed and debated issues of perception, predictability, realpolitik, trust, leadership, strategy, misinformation, sovereignty and self-determination.

To mark the end of the seminar, a concluding colloquium will feature preeminent experts and practitioners to discuss United States foreign policy, the economic challenges, relations with North Korea, security in Ukraine, rights and concerns of Indigenous Peoples, and the humanitarian situation in Venezuela. The colloquium is open to the public and rsvp is required.