WWS Graduate Student-Green Hall Quest for Cupcakes

Date & Time Feb 05 2019 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Audience Restricted to SPIA graduate students

Join us for the Green Hall Quest for Cupcakes / Noon-2pm / Administrative Offices, Green Hall

The OGCS, GPO, Dean's Office and other WWS administrative offices are excited to welcome you back for the spring semester!  Join us for an interactive journey through Green Hall to discover where many of the administrative offices live now.  Come to the lobby of Green Hall where we will provide you with pizza and you'll receive a "passport" to collect stickers as you visit offices around the building.  We hope you'll take part in this fun activity to get to know our new space, as well as collect a prize of cupcake coupons when you finish the quest.

LinkedIn Photo Session / 1-2pm / 1-N-5 Green Hall

MPP, PhD, and MPA students who have not had a professional photo taken during a previous OGCS photo session may register to participate.  Beginning at 8am on Thursday, January 31st, RSVP here for a 5-minute session with WWS photographer Egan Jiminez.

NOTE:  If spots remain open at Noon on February 4th, any students who have previously participated in a photo session can register to have their photos retaken.