The following is a compilation of media clips in which WWS faculty members have been mentioned, cited or quoted. This list is updated weekly. If an item is missing, email, and we will add it promptly.
How to Make Bankers Try Harder to Avoid Going Bust
Barrons (Atif Mian)
The collapse of Lehman Brothers changed everything and nothing
The Washington Post (Mark Watson)
China scholars agree ‘self-censorship is a problem in the China field.’ But whose problem?
The College Fix (Rory Truex)
25 Years Later, Oslo Accords Fail to Deliver for Palestinians
GV Wire (Daniel Kurtzer)
Jewish Insider's Daily Kickoff: September 13, 2018
Haaretz (Daniel Kurtzer)
The Magic of Being Where You Are
Influencive (Angus Deaton and Daniel Kahneman)
Sri Lanka’s polity: A decade after the global Financial Crisis
Daily Mirror (Harold James)
Amazon Is Worth $1 Trillion. Its Workers Are on Food Stamps.
Daily Beast (Alan Krueger)
Study: giving out cash in Uganda helped after 4 years. After 9 years, not so much.
Vox (Tom Vogl)
From Trump to Trade, the Financial Crisis Still Resonates 10 Years Later
The New York Times (Atif Mian)
Jean Drèze's tribute to Dr Kurien
The Telegraph (Angus Deaton)
Ten years after beginning of financial crisis, the effects still resonate
The Toronto Star (Atif Mian)
Financial panic and credit disruptions in the 2007-09 crisis
Brookings (Atif Mian)
Bernanke Says Credit Freeze More to Blame Than Housing Bust for Severity of Latest Recession
The Wall Street Journal (Atif Mian)
Balt. County senator draws criticism for implying she was endorsed by Gov. Hogan
Fox News (Benjamin Jealous)
White Supremacy Is Deadly For Everyone
Huffington Post (Angus Deaton)
The negative effects of income inequality on mental health
Idaho State Journal (Anne Case)
Lehman Brothers and the 2008 Financial Panic: Learning the Right Lessons
The Beacon (Harold James)
Science: China’s energy policies must balance air quality, carbon emissions and water scarcity goals [Report]
Infosurhoy (Denise Mauzerall)
Blocking research is certain to backfire
South China Morning Post (Rory Truex)
Ten years ago this month — looking back at the financial crisis
Albuquerque Journal (Alan Blinder)
Palestinians should counter a US assault on their rights by strengthening their institutions and civic society
The National (Salam Fayyad)
Immigration Enforcement Is a Key Issue for Uncommitted Voters
Center for Immigration Studies (Julian Zelizer)
40 years after Camp David, unresolved Palestinian issue still looms large
KUNA (Daniel Kurtzer)
Why wages don't rise with a tighter labour market
The Daily Star (Alan Blinder)
Life expectancy rates decrease due to drug use
Tri-County Times (Anne Case and Angus Deaton)
The Money Illusion
Seeking Alpha (Eldar Shafir)
Harrison Ford: Climate Change Threatens Humanity
WND (Michael Oppenheimer)
Paul Manafort guilty plea: How we can really drain the swamp
CNN (by Julian Zelizer)
Donald Dossier: Rock You Like a Hurricane
OZY (Julian Zelizer)
Trump shutters the Palestinian diplomatic mission — and Middle East peace
The New Yorker (Daniel Kurtzer)
Jean Dreze to address Verghese Kurien Memorial Oration at XLRI
The Avenue Mail (Angus Deaton)
Duterte not lone media-hater
Philstar Global (Julian Zelizer)
Some insurers offer specific covers for cardiac patients
Daily News & Analysis India (Atul Kohli)
The Return to Great-Power Rivalry Was Inevitable
The Atlantic (G. John Ikenberry)
David Deming Named Winner of 2018 David N. Kershaw Award and Prize
Harvard Graduate School of Education (Alan Krueger)
Oslo Accords at 25: Many negatives and a few positives
Arab News (Salam Fayyad)
Hurricane hazards and climate science research in the U.S.
Open Access Government (Michael Oppenheimer)
Liberalism: further reading
The Economist (G. John Ikenberry)
Why is healthcare so expensive?
Gettysburg Times (Paul Starr)
"Died by desperation," with or without financial crisis
The Stopru (Anne Case and Angus Deaton)
Paul Manafort guilty plea: How we can really drain the swamp
CNN (by Julian Zelizer)
Hogan to attend Log Cabin Republicans national dinner
Washington Blade (Benjamin Jealous)
Oslo failed. Long live Oslo.
Cleveland Jewish News (Salam Fayyad)
AG Ferguson secures end to no-poach provisions at eight more restaurant chains nationwide
Access Washington (Alan Krueger)
Afghanistan, 17 Years Later: This Is What Winning Looks Like
Task & Purpose (Ryan Crocker)
How the Tariff War Could Turn Into the Next Lehman
Foreign Policy (Alan Blinder)
The question Bob Woodward's book doesn't answer
CNN (by Julian Zelizer)
Survey: Americans like their jobs, not the US labour market
The Conversation (by Marc Fleurbaey)
‘I Want to Burn Things to the Ground’
The Chronicle of Higher Education (Susan Fiske)
The big question: Has the European Union been a success?
History Extra (Harold James)
The Return of the Pentagon’s Yoda
Foreign Policy (Aaron Friedberg)
Gauging China's 'Influence and Interference' in U.S. Higher Ed
Insider Higher Ed (Rory Truex)