News Clips: Week of July 31 - Aug. 6

Aug 02 2017

The following is a compilation of media clips in which WWS faculty members have been mentioned, cited or quoted. This list is updated weekly. If an item is missing, please email, and we will add it promptly.

Ynaija (Alan Blinder)

The Walls We Won't Tear Down
New York Times (Douglas Massey)

Analysis: A destroyer on the campaign trail, Trump struggles to build legacy as president
Philadelphia Inquirer (Julian Zelizer)

Analysis: Trump turns to Russia probe to poke at his critics
Washington Post (Julian Zelizer)

Princeton course explores 'white identity politics' in 'Trumpland'
Campus Reform (Carolyn Rouse) 

Is Dodd-Frank Crippling Banks or Saving Them?
Fortune (Alan Blinder)

Fed to shed $2tn in assets 'over long period'
Nikkei Asian Review (Alan Blinder)

With Trump's Hands Tied, Putin Is Free to Act (Op-ed)
The Moscow Times (Stephen Kotkin)

What's Driving Opioid Addiction? The Economy
Hartford Courant (Anne Case and Angus Deaton)

John Kelly's biggest challenge will be blunting Trump's worst instincts on the Russia investigation
Vox (Julian Zelizer)

How Do Political Parties Oppose Their Own Presidents?
The Atlantic (Julian Zelizer)

John Kelly’s biggest challenge will be blunting Trump’s worst instincts on the Russia investigation
Vox (Julian Zelizer)

President Trump Pushes Yet Another Problematic Immigration Bill
Truthdig (Marta Tienda)

Elon Musk says he may have depression, just like millions of overworked Americans in their 40s and 50s
MarketWatch (Anne Case and Angus Deaton)

Trump's Claims on Unemployment and Business Spirit
New York Times (Alan Blinder)

President's empty promises to assist veterans shameful
Albany Times Union (Julian Zelizer)

Is Trump About to Declare a State of Emergency?
Newsweek (Kim Lane Scheppele)

Supreme Court rulings can signal a shift in societal norms
Medical Xpress (Elizabeth Levy Paluck)

Regulators and Lawyers Race to Respond to Thriving Gig Economy
Yahoo! (Alan Krueger)

New leak: Jared Kushner says there may be 'no solution' to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
PRI (Daniel Kurtzer)

The New Yuppies
New Republic (Martin Gilens)

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner Give John Kelly the Support Reince Preibus Never Had
Fortune (Julian Zelizer)

Will the legacy of today's politicians be shorter, sicker lives?
European Public Health Alliance (Anne Case and Angus Deaton)

Democrats Can Abandon the Center — Because the Center Doesn't Exist
New York Magazine (Martin Gilens)

The Return of the One-Term Presidency?
The Atlantic (Julian Zelizer)

A Turning Point For the Trump White House?
CNN (video featuring Julian Zelizer)

Why John Kelly may be destined to repeat history
CNN (video featuring Julian Zelizer)