The following is a compilation of media clips in which WWS faculty members have been mentioned, cited or quoted. This list is updated weekly. If an item is missing, please email, and we will add it promptly.
There Are Probably More Gig Workers Than Counted in U.S. Survey
Bloomberg (Alan Krueger)
US gig economy: data shows 16m people in 'contingent or alternative' work
The Guardian (Alan Krueger)
Everything we thought we knew about the gig economy is wrong
Quartz (Alan Krueger)
Independent workers and the modern labor market
Brookings (Alan Krueger)
Share of Americans working as independent contractors dips, government data show
Los Angeles Times (Alan Krueger)
The Triumph of the Gig Economy Is Postponed Yet Again
Bloomberg (Alan Krueger)
No, It's Not a Gig Economy
Jacobin (Alan Krueger)
How big is gig economy? Gov't study shows how little we know
San Francisco Chronicle (Alan Krueger)
How Suicide Quietly Morphed Into a Public Health Crisis
The New York Times (Angus Deaton)
Your pics may have gone public on Facebook, thanks to bug (Jonathan Mayer)
Clash of ideologies feeds into the rivalry between US and China
The Australian (Aaron Friedberg)
Polishing a gem
Teton Valley News (Julian Zelizer)
Uncommon Knowledge: Why Does Joseph Stalin Matter?
Ricochet (Stephen Kotkin)
Does it matter what political party is in power for the economy?
The San Diego Union-Tribune (Alan Blinder and Mark Watson)
More Americans Are Dying From Suicide
The Atlantic (Anne Case and Angus Deaton)
Iran threatens US, Israel, Saudi Arabia
Kurdistan24 (Ryan Crocker)
US suicides increased by 25 percent from 1999 to 2016
World Socialist Web Site (Anne Case and Angus Deaton)
Why Didn't My Drug-Affected Family Get Any Sympathy?
POLITICO Magazine (Anne Case and Angus Deaton)
Update labor laws to meet needs of ‘gig’ economy
San Francisco Chronicle (Anne Case, Angus Deaton and Alan Krueger)
Study shows how little we know about independent workers
Waterbury Republican American (Alan Krueger)
Facebook bug may have overshared your sharing
Resource (Jonathan Mayer)
In the Trump Administration, Science Is Unwelcome. So Is Advice.
The New York Times (Michael Oppenheimer)
Unpacking and understanding media bias, part 2: press in colonial America
Citizen Truth (Paul Starr)
Trump's G7 bust-up shows risks for North Korea summit
Breitbart (Julian Zelizer)
Summits are tricky: Kennedy, Nixon and Reagan learned the hard way
The Seattle Times (Julian Zelizer)
The Immigration Forces Beyond Trump's Control
The New Republic (Douglas Massey)
Four steps for a successful Trump-Kim summit
CNN (by Julian Zelizer)
Summits are tricky: Kennedy, Nixon and Reagan each learned the hard way
Los Angeles Times (Julian Zelizer)
Facebook says privacy-setting bug affected as many as 14M
AP News (Jonathan Mayer)
Anthony Bourdain’s death is one in a growing public health tragedy
Vox (Anne Case)
Everyone Makes Investing Mistakes — Even Warren Buffett
The Wall Street Journal (Emily Pronin)
The Class Struggle According to Donald Trump
The New York Times (Alan Krueger)
We're About to Discover If All Those New U.S. Jobs Are Any Good
Bloomberg (Alan Krueger)
Why U.S. Prime-Age Workforce Participation Is Lagging Behind Other Nations
The Wall Street Journal (Alan Krueger)
Facebook made some private posts public for as many as 14M
The Spokesman-Review (Jonathan Mayer)
Another Facebook fail: Bug caused it to publicly share 14M private messages
Digital Trends (Jonathan Mayer)
Suicide Rates Increased by 30% in About Half of All States, CDC Report Finds (Anne Case and Angus Deaton)
What to do for June 8-15
Cape Cod Times (Keith Wailoo)
Ukrainians are getting less divided by language, not more. Here’s the research.
The Washington Post (Grigore Pop-Eleches)
Meeting With North Korea Is a Win for America
Chatham House (Keren Yarhi-Milo)
Study: telling white people they’ll be outnumbered makes them hate welfare more
Vox (Martin Gilens)
Maryland’s Republican governor just landed a rare union endorsement
The Washington Post (Benjamin Jealous)
What Is Hope for?
Los Angeles Review of Books (Gary Bass)
3 Key Ways to Manage the Best Talent
Business2Community (Angus Deaton and Daniel Kahneman)
Delaney Campaign Reports Seeing Payoff From Early Investment in Iowa; Montgomery County Man Found Dead in Ocean City
Bethesda Magazine (Benjamin Jealous)
'Keep Your Mouths Shut': Ambassador David Friedman’s Crude pro-Israel Activism Devalues U.S. Diplomacy
Haaretz (Daniel Kurtzer)
Israel's Strategic Dead End in Gaza
The Jerusalem Post (Salam Fayyad)
State must recapture economic levers
Business Line (Atul Kohli)
A Marshall Plan for China? It Existed, but Even Marshall Couldn’t Pull It Off
The New York Times (by Aaron Friedberg)
For this mother and daughter, separated a year ago at the southern border, Trump's ‘zero-tolerance’ policy isn’t new
WUWF 88.1 (Douglas Massey)
Lectures in History: 1970s Conservative Movement & Foreign Policy Preview
C-SPAN (Julian Zelizer)
The Strangest Thing About Trump's Approach to Presidential Power
The Atlantic (Julian Zelizer)
The death of a hope: 50 years after the assassination of Bobby Kennedy
La Nación (Julian Zelizer)
Sen. Cruz's:18 pause on Trump & Pardons
MSNBC (Lauren Wright)
Seven reasons to worry about the American middle class
Brookings Institution (Anne Case and Angus Deaton)
Legal leadership and its place in America’s history and future
OUPblog (Julian Zelizer)
Analysis: In nixing Eagles visit, Trump again plays divider-in-chief
The Philadelphia Inquirer (Julian Zelizer)
Post-U. Md. poll: Jealous, Baker lead in Democratic race overshadowed by Hogan
The Washington Post (Benjamin Jealous)
State Roundup, June 5, 2018 (Benjamin Jealous)
Chain migration from DACA amnesty could import foreign population twice the size of Los Angeles
Breitbart (Marta Tienda)
Hamas Rule in Gaza Isn’t the Enemy of the Israeli Right, It's the Loyal Servant
Haaretz (Salam Fayyad)
At America's toughest border wall, a hole remains
The Washington Post (Douglas Massey)
What makes the politics of West Bengal so violent? (Atul Kohli)
Remembering 1968, 50 Years After Robert F. Kennedy's Assassination
WBUR 90.9 (Julian Zelizer)
Robert Reich: A Second American Civil War? – OpEd
Eurasia Review (Martin Gilens)