Mar 30 2015
The following is a compilation of media clips in which WWS faculty members have been mentioned, cited or quoted. This list is updated weekly. If an item is missing, please email, and we will add it promptly.
The Guardian (quotes Julian Zelizer)
Bloomberg (interview with Alan Krueger)
Tampa Bay Times (quotes Frank von Hippel)
Indian Country Today Media Network (quotes Michael Oppenheimer)
BBC (interview with Jose Manuel Barroso)
The Wichita Eagle and (features Frank von Hippel)
Forbes (features Pail Starr)
WEAA: (interview with Seyed Hossien Mousavian)
WIOD (interview with Daniel Kurtzer)
The Chronicle of Higher Education (features Shirley M. Tilghman)
CityLab (feaures Alan Krueger) (by Richard F. Keevey) (quotes Frank von Hippel)
The Atlantic (features Alan Krueger)
WTAG-AM (interview with Alan Krueger)
Democracy Now! (interview with Seyed Hossein Mousavian)
Dailymotion (interview with Daniel Kurtzer)
Pakistan Tribe (quotes Michael Oppenheimer)
Bloomberg (interview with Alan Krueger)
Salon (features Nolan McCarty)
NPR (interview with Amaney Jamal)
WFMZ Allentown (features Angus Deaton)
Canton Daily Ledger (quotes Alan Krueger)
New Statesman (features Jacob Shapiro)
The Daily Princetonian (quotes Stanley Katz)
Asbury Park Press (features Alan Krueger)
Slate Magazine (features Alan Krueger) (features Alan Krueger)
Management Today (features Alan Krueger)
Leading Authorities (features Alan Krueger)
New York Times (quotes Michael Oppenheimer)
The Heartland Institute (quotes Michael Oppenheimer)
The Daily Princetonian (features Sophie Meunier)
Bellingham Herald (quotes Daniel Kurtzer)
New York Times (quotes Alan Krueger)
Forbes (features Atif Mian)
BBC World (interview with Jose Manuel Barroso)
CNN (interview with Seyed Hossein Mousavian)
CNN (interview with Seyed Hossein Mousavian)
Al Jazeera (quotes Ali Ahmad)
NPR (interview with Seyed Hossein Mousavian)
The Economist (quotes Janet Currie)
Freakonomics (features Roland Benabou)
Bloomberg (quotes Daniel Kurtzer)
National Journal (features Alan Krueger)
Jordan Times (by Harold James)
CNN (by Julian Zelizer)
The New York Times (quotes Uwe Reinhardt)
Digital Journal (quotes Uwe Reinhardt)