News Clips: Week of Oct. 3-9

Oct 03 2016

The following is a compilation of media clips in which WWS faculty members have been mentioned, cited or quoted. This list is updated weekly. If an item is missing, please email, and we will add it promptly.

Macroeconomic civil war has only intensified since last financial crisis
The Globe and Mail (Alan Blinder)

Full Show: Bloomberg <GO> (10/07)
Bloomberg (Alan Krueger)

Study: Nearly half of working-age men out of labor force take daily pain meds
Washington Examiner (Alan Krueger)

Princeton University professor F. Duncan Haldane shares Nobel Prize in physics (Angus Deaton)

Scottish scientists win Nobel Prize for Physics
The National (Angus Deaton)

Nobel winners get cash, a gold medal and a piece of original art
PRI (Angus Deaton)

When Globalization Eats Its Young
Project Syndicate (Harold James)

When globalisation eats its young
Gulf Times (Harold James)

When Globalization Eats Its Young
Handelsblatt Global (Harold James)

Deaton warns of 'indyref dangers'
The Times (Angus Deaton)

A short guide to the probably winners of the economics Nobel
Catch News (Angus Deaton)

San Francisco, Vienna or Mumbai?
livemint (Angus Deaton and Daniel Kahneman)

Do Hurricanes Really Induce Labor?
The Atlantic (Janet Currie)

Veep debate in 140 characters (and more)
CNN (Julian Zelizer)

Time for a US Pivot on Taiwan Policy
The Diplomat (Aaron Friedberg)

Can Feds Compromise on Data Privacy?
eSecurity Planet (Ed Felten)

Low lead levels in children negatively affect test scores
ScienceDaily (Janet Currie)

The Balancing Act
Business Today (Robert Keohane)

Oceans, Negotiations And Boundaries: Why We Must Keep Global Warming to 1.5 Degrees
HuffPost UK (Michael Oppenheimer)

Bill Clinton Calls ACA "Craziest Thing" During Speech in Michigan (Uwe Reinhardt)

What American Credibility Myth? How and Why Reputation Matters
Wat on the Rocks (co-authored by Keren Yarhi-Milo)

The Trans Pacific Partnership Is a Threat to All Progressive Causes
Telesur (Martin Gilens)

'Our Compelling Interests'
Inside Higher Ed (Marta Tienda)

Letter from Rome: Stranded between populism and crony capitalism
Acton Institute (Angus Deaton)

Nationalist Military Brass Back Trump, Globalists Support Clinton
The New American (Aaron Friedberg)

Deutsche Bank is a perfect example of an essential part of markets that's disappearing before our eyes
Business Insider (Alan Krueger)

How Hillary Clinton Learned to Govern
The Atlantic (Alan Blinder)

What's at Stake for the Climate in the 2016 Election? Everything.
Inside Climate News (Michael Oppenheimer)

The Many Reasons Why QE Cannot Deliver On Its Promise
The Market Mogul (Atif Mian)

World Bank chief pleads for capital increase
Financial Times (Angus Deaton)

Top chemist is continuing Scotland's Nobel Prize run
The National (Angus Deaton)

Putting the Populist Revolt in Its Place
Project Syndicate (Angus Deaton)

Is Paul Romer in line for the economics Nobel prize?
The Telegraph (Angus Deaton)

Middle-aged men US do not work because they are sick (Alan Krueger)

American workers prefer set work schedules, but would take wage cuts to work from home (Alexandre Mas)

Globalisation's new victims: Foreign MNCs
The Straits Times (by Harold James)

Paris climate agreement to take effect Nov. 4
The Berkshire Eagle (Michael Oppenheimer)

Teachers And Leadership
Saint Lucia News The Voice (Alan Blinder)

The economic causes and consequences of terrorism
Livemint (Alan Krueger)

The modest surgery Obamacare needs: It's not that hard to fix the Affordable Care Act
NY Daily News (Uwe Reinhardt)

How to make America weak again
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (by Thomas J. Christensen)

We're shocked: Donald Trump is a sexist
Crossroads Today (Julian Zelizer)

Would you accept a pay cut of 8% to work from home? (Alexandre Mas)

Life and death of Trumpian America
Financial Times (Anne Case, Angus Deaton and Alan Krueger)

Town hall debate in 140 characters (and more) International (Julian Zelizer)

American Men Need Something to Do
Vice News (Anne Case, Angus Deaton and Alan Krueger)

Surveillance: Gross Says Job Report Won’t Bar Fed Rate Increase
Bloomberg (Alan Krueger)

Clinton vs. Trump: Sustaining U.S. Job Growth
BloombergPolitics (video interview with Alan Krueger)

The September Jobs Report Analysis in One Minute
Bloomberg (video interview with Alan Krueger)

Who's afraid of a living wage?
iPolitics Canada (Alan Krueger)

The Rise of the “Gig” Economy: Good for Workers and Consumers
The Heritage Foundation (Alan Krueger)

Why Are So Many Men Not Working? They’re in Pain
Bloomberg Business Week (Alan Krueger)

U.S. Jobs Report 'Steady as She Goes': Alan Krueger
Bloomberg (video interview with Alan Krueger)

The Missing Political Debate Over the Digital Economy
Harvard Business Review (Alan Krueger)

What’s on the ballot? Initiative 1433
The Gonzaga Bulletin (Alan Krueger)

‘A Tough-minded Lover Of Peace’
The Jewish Week (Daniel Kurtzer)

Time for a US Pivot on Taiwan Policy (Aaron Friedberg)

The Two Faces of Freelancing
CityLab (Alan Krueger)

It makes us happiest - in the choice between time and money (Angus Deaton and Daniel Kahneman)

Nobel Prize: after peace and literature, the prize list 2016 [FULL]
L'Internaute (Angus Deaton)

Would You Take an 8% Pay Cut to Work From Home?
Bloomberg (Alexandre Mas)

Paris Climate Agreement to Take Effect Nov. 4
The New York Times (Michael Oppenheimer)

When it comes to successful investing, think slowly
The Globe and Mail (Daniel Kahneman)

When business and politics don't mix
Marketplace (Julian Zelizer)

Trump's sexist tapes to put him on defensive in Sunday debate
Xinhua (Julian Zelizer)

We're shocked: Donald Trump is a sexist
CNN (by Julian Zelizer)

Look out, Clinton and Trump! Town hall format is a big risk
CNN (by Julian Zelizer)

Who won the vice presidential debate? (Julian Zelizer)

Study: Poverty Causes Physical Pain
True Viral News (Eldar Shafir)

Vice-presidential debate analysis
WHYY (audio interview with Julian Zelizer)

Even low lead levels in children negatively affect test scores
Medical Xpress (Janet Currie)

Are Technology Companies Really Driving the Gig Economy?
Pacific Standard (Alan Krueger)

News Analysis: Pence shows how Trump should act in next debate
Xinhua (Julian Zelizer)

Who won the vice presidential debate?
CNN (by Julian Zelizer)

Why You Should Stop Worrying About 'Peak Trade'
Bloomberg (Alan Krueger)

The Susan Fiske fallacy
Hunt News (Susan Fiske)

Happiness at Work
RH Info (Daniel Kahneman)

What's at Stake for the Climate in the 2016 Election? Everything
Inside Climate News (Michael Oppenheimer)