Plant-Based Plastics: An Enemy of Pollution
Pollution is a pervasive global issue that impacts every community. Julia Ilhardt ’21 and Emily Reinhold ’21 tackled this issue in their undergraduate theses and recommend that people who are disproportionately affected by environmental harms — such as low income and communities of color — should have a more prominent role in the policymaking process. Listen to hear which solutions they recommend.
Tiger Prints is a podcast series highlighting tomorrow’s leaders solving today’s problems. The show features recent SPIA grads and their senior research projects. After four years at Princeton, these students are prepared to take the next step in their careers, with their theses serving as the foundation. The show was produced, hosted, and edited by Hope Perry ’24, SPIA podcast production intern, with production assistance from B. Rose Huber, communications manager and senior writer at SPIA. The show was supported by summer interns Jenna Thompson and Riis L. Williams with design by Imaan Khasru '23.