#PolicyProfile: Meghann Kleespie, Administrative Coordinator, Office of the Dean
“At @PrincetonSPIA, we teach the future policymakers and change-makers in the world, and I love that I get to be a part of that. Our dean and executive vice dean advise students, and as their administrative coordinator, I’ve gotten to know some of those students over the years. It's so interesting to follow them in their careers and see what they’re doing to make the world a better place.
I’ve worked in the Dean’s Office for seven years, two of which have been with Dean Amaney Jamal. She has a lot of visions and initiatives, and it’s exciting to see where we started and where we will go."Meghann Kleespie, Administrative Coordinator, Office of the Dean
On a normal day, I do a lot of calendar management to ensure the executive vice dean is prepped for meetings and has all the materials prepared. I also make myself available to answer any ad hoc questions. Since I’ve been here for so long, I know where to direct someone if I don’t already know the answer. I interact with many of the faculty, which I enjoy. Getting to know them and seeing what they're researching is interesting. I'm in the stage of life where my time away from the office is spent with my children, who are 8 and 9 years old. Their activities are my hobbies, bringing them to and from their sports, dance classes, and play dates. I'm also an avid runner. I've done 30-something races — the Broad Street Run in Philadelphia four times, a half-marathon, and countless 5Ks. I like the endorphins and how you feel afterward — specifically running outside, as it clears my mind and puts me in such a good mood.”