SPIA’s Afghanistan Policy Lab Organizes Event During U.N. Counter-Terrorism Week
Since the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan almost two years ago, security scholars and counter-terrorism professionals have debated how the group’s relations with foreign terrorist groups and transnational organized crime networks have impacted the country, the region, and beyond. On June 22, members of the Afghanistan Policy Lab (APL) at Princeton’s School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA) will join international dignitaries at the United Nations to further address the topic.
“We’re putting Afghanistan into the international spotlight during this important U.N. event,” said Arian Sharifi, a lecturer and associate research scholar at SPIA. “We need to inform the world about what is happening there, highlight the regional and global threats that are originating from Afghanistan, and emphasize that the continuation of the status quo in that country is not just a problem for Afghanistan, but is a regional and global issue.”
Sharifi will moderate a panel discussion that explores the challenges U.N. Member-States face in implementing relevant Security Council resolutions and adopting measures to preserve the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Afghan people. Several global-level counter-terrorism, security, and human rights experts will deliver presentations during the panel.
“The APL has a mandate that revolves around keeping Afghanistan visible in national and international forums,” Sharifi said. “This event is a remarkable opportunity to do that.”
The event will begin with opening remarks by Ambassador Adela Raz, director of the APL, Naseer A. Faiq, Chargé d'Affaires, Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to the United Nations, and H.E. Richard Arbeiter, Deputy Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations.
H.E. Ana Jiménez de la Hoz, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Spain to the United Nations, will deliver the keynote address.
“Tackling the Multiplicity of Security Challenges in Taliban-run Afghanistan and Neighboring Countries: Terrorism, Organized Crime, Human Rights and Humanitarian Assistance” takes place during the United Nations’ designated Counter-Terrorism Week — a time in June dedicated to a series of events on global security issues across the world.
The event will be livestreamed beginning at 9 a.m. EDT and is available to watch here.