AI policy task force-students meeting with policymakers

Students Brief Policymakers on Artificial Intelligence in First-Ever AI Task Force

While artificial intelligence may unlock unprecedented human potential in the coming years, it also amplifies societal threats and policy challenges. Last semester, juniors at the Princeton SPIA tackled these issues in the School’s first-ever AI Policy Task Force.
Larry Martin Bartels and Arati Prabhakar. Photo by Ryan K. Morris for the National Science & Technology Medals Foundation.

Emeritus Professor, CSDP Founder Wins National Medal of Science

Princeton molecular biologist Bonnie Bassler has received the National Medal of Science, the nation’s highest scientific honor. Two emeritus members of the Princeton faculty, Larry Martin Bartels and Ingrid Daubechies, and two undergraduate alumni, John Dabiri and Cynthia Dwork, were among this year’s 14 recipients of the White House honor, announced and awarded in a ceremony Jan. 3.

Upcoming Spring Events

Why Princeton SPIA?

dollar sign

Of tuition and required fees which includes health insurance for all students

DEI iconography of 3 people figures

Expert faculty and policy practitioners across disciplines

An icon of a student with diploma

Global network of alumni

An icon of a graduation cap
Over 40%

U.S. students of color

At Princeton SPIA, We Care

Our Community

We are committed to ensuring that all members of our diverse community feel respected, supported, and valued both inside and outside the classroom. We seek to strengthen the capacity of our students to promote equity and foster inclusion while here and in the broader world.

At Princeton SPIA, We Lead

We are tackling today's most-pressing challenges — at home and abroad. Below are some current initiatives and focus areas.

Our experts address issues related to populism, democratic backsliding, and polarization.

Afghanistan Policy Lab
Afghanistan Policy Lab

We created the Afghanistan Policy Lab at SPIA to address the impact of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and help contribute to its rebuilding.

Environment, Energy
Climate Change

Today’s environmental challenges require global policies that adapt to uncertain conditions — and our experts are pioneers in the field.

At Princeton SPIA, We Learn

At Princeton SPIA, We Serve

group of students outside

In Service to the Nation and Humanity

Our unofficial motto captures the essence of the School and is embodied not only in our curriculum — designed to prepare students to pursue careers in public service — but also in the activities our students pursue outside of the classroom.
mpa orange

75 Years of Serving the Nation and Humanity

Princeton SPIA’s MPA program begins diamond anniversary celebration. Over the next two years, we will incorporate the celebration of this milestone anniversary into existing School events and will share remembrances from alumni, faculty, graduate students and staff.